As Greater Lafayette's oldest and most experienced dry cleaning business, Vogue Cleaners has a long and proven track record of providing top quality dry cleaning and laundry services for our customers. We have included many "extras" in an attempt to make this a very customer friendly operation that offers exceptional quality and timely service. To learn more go to Vogue Cleaners Cares.
Vogue Cleaners
"Super Monthly"
Suede & Leather Care
Household Item Care
Bridal Gown Care
Suede and Leather Care
Leather and suede coats and jackets
expertly cleaned and preserved.
Special Household Item Cleaning
Curtains, drapes, comforters, blankets,
bedspreads and more ...
Bridal Gown Care
Preserve Your Wedding Gown
We offer keepsake cleaning and boxing.
Platinum Shirt Laundry Service
Produces the Whitest Shirts in Town
On hangers or boxed
Red Hanger Dry Cleaning Service
Fast Same/3 Day Service
Dry Cleaned and Pressed
Gold Hanger Dry Cleaning Service
Special Care for Luxury Items and Fashions
Items requiring additional care & packaging.